Friday 27 August 2010

oh god what have I done

I’m pretty damn happy. I have the best housemates, the most fantastic old Victorian flat in central London from which I can faintly hear Big Ben chiming from my bed. My friends are all fantastically awesome…. so what did I do? Ah yes, I sacked it all off and bought a plane ticket around the world, took my pet lizard to my friend’s house, bought a rucksack (and a mosquito net, a travel towel, a ridiculous supply of contact lenses and a travel hula hoop) and a plane ticket to go to 4 continents on my own. What the hell was I thinking? No really!

Some days I wake up and think that this was a brilliant idea. Tomorrow I’m going to wake up without Dita, my lizard, staring at me from the end of my bed. I’m going to feel like an absolute idiot.

Still, I’m about to embark on the most exciting adventure I could ever imagine. I’m going to blog about the good, the bad and the downright dodgy. I can’t wait!

Firstly I’m off to Croatia for 10 days, then Joburg!

Top tip for today: Don’t take your clock off the wall until the day you move out. For someone as terrible at timing as I, I had no idea how much I looked at that thing.

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